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Positive Adolescent Learning Study

Goal Statement:

P.A.L.S. is a program to assist children with needs in the areas of education, social and personal skills by the use of a young adult in both a classroom and out of school setting. Under the supervision of Dena Kirschten and a with the cooperation of a classroom teacher and the parents of the child, the child’s needs will be met.  Each young adult or PAL will receive a pass-fail grade for participation in the program.

Each year two, $200, scholarships are given in memory of Kathleen Sauvageau who was as educator for 25 years. She believed time spent with children was never to be wasted.


  • To assist children in the program that are difficult by providing one on one tutoring.
  • To build the child’s self-confidence and self-worth by improving skills on developing a personal relationship with a mentor.
  • To help lessen the responsibility of the classroom teacher.
  • To give young adults the opportunity to work and influence the youth in our community.


  • The PAL will be required to visit child in classroom a minimum of twice a week. Time to be arranged with classroom teacher.
  • One outside school activity per month with permission of parent.
  • Attend the meetings when called by Dena Kirschten.
  • Agree to be accountable and reliable to the child and classroom teacher.
  • To use own interests to involve child in the community. For example, extra-curricular activities or community events.
  • To be a positive role model for child outside of school setting.
  • All calendars must be filled out by PAL and signed by teacher. NO credit will be given if they are not turned in.

Classroom Teacher:

  • Identify and refer students in need to Dena.
  • Be willing to work out a schedule with PAL that benefits the child.
  • Communicate with both PAL and child to assess the relationship and work being done. 
  • Communicate with Dena any positive or negative aspects of the program.
  • Sign calendar after each session the PAL has worked with student.

Code of Conduct:

The main objective of the P.A.L.S. program is to assist the at risk youth in our community by developing a relationship with a responsible and caring high school student. Our high school students must realize that whether in this program or not that they are look on by the young in our community as role models. The young adults that make a commitment to a young person in the P.A.L.S. program will be held accountable to the following code of ethics:

  1. No use of alcohol, tobacco or any other drug.
  • If a PAL receives punishment by the law or school for any of these infractions a monitored call will be made by the PAL to the parents of their young person. PAL will explain situation, take responsibility and ask the parents permission to continue working with their son/daughter.
  • *If parent so wishes the PAL will be removed and an effort will be made to replace them as soon as possible to make it as easy as possible on the young person.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude and follow school rules and guidelines.
  1. If any school employee reports incidences of disrespect of the rules in the Baker Public Schools by a PAL to a school administrator or PALS coordinator they act will be looked and appropriate action will be taken.
  • PAL will make an apology to those offended

PAL could be removed from the program if repeated offenses have occurred.

  • Will be accountable to classroom teacher and student by being present on days that have been decided on.
  • First time the coordinator has been notified the PAL will be visited with and a review of their responsibilities will occur.
  • Second offense a PAL will be asked to visit with young person and to explain their not being able to visit with them anymore.
  • Present themselves in an appropriate fashion. No belly shirts, no tank tops etc. Follow school dress code. Classroom teacher will please notify PAL coordinator and then they will be sent to the high school office.